My dearest friends,
last night my guardian spirit, Anita, came to me. She told me that the nymph Leumiad who guards the Sapphire is somewhere in this city! So I gathered everyone up and we got ready and ran to follow Anita. Anita brought us to a a door that was floating in the middle of the central park. I opened the door and we were transported into another dimension. under a crystal arch, there stood Leumiad. "Where's the Sapphire?" I demanded. The nymph replied, "You're not getting it without a fight! Fat chance you'll beat me!"
Suddenly, all our protective spirits soaked though our bodies and into our hearts, where we transformed into our fighting uniforms. It was our first time and we weren't sure what to do, but suddenly I heard Anita speak to me. She told me to scream "Blythe Spirit Attack!" and so I did. Spirits of the dead flew out of my body and attacked the nymph. She was struck down, but she still wasn't through.
Then, Sigismunda's guardian spirit, Jean, spoke to her and told her to shout, "Crystalized Victory!" diamond shards flew out of my friend's hands and struck Leumiad. This still wasn't enough. So Sigismunda and I combined our powers and shouted "Crystalized Blythe Spirit Victory Attack!" and the nymph turned to ashes.
So we continued through the crystal arch, when we came to a huge, glowing light. It was the Sapphire, but what we didn't know was that the Sapphire was a grl named Ora!
more next time,