Who is the enemy? Find the Garnet!

hello there~~

So I decided I would have a discussion about our enemy. We ll got together at our favorite cafe ^^ Sigismunda and Maria seemed to be fighting so they sat far apart from each other. Neige brought up the first question:
"Why do they call us 'Angels'?"
Ora smiled and answered, "Because when we transform, an angel is possessing our spirit. That is our true form."
We were all very surprised, of course, because we've really had no idea what we've been doing all this time.
Ora looked saddened.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"To harness my full power, I must find the Garnet," Ora said.
"The Garnet?" We asked.
"Yes," she continued, "another angel who is fated to be my fighting partner forever."
That gave us something to think about.
"Why don't we try and search for the garnet?" Ziggy asked.
"Alright, then," Ora laughed to herself.

What will happen? Who's the garnet?
