Maria's journal

Hi you!

^ <> ^ My name is Maria and I'm the new girl. I love to dress up and I always do. Since I just showed up, I don't have too many clothes yet >.< I want to be an idol. That's my biggest dream. I love Eriko Tamura, Rie Fujiwara, Naoko Kawai, Yu Hayami, Akina Nakamori and Wink. I love to dance and I love to sing, but most of all, I love to be the center of attention! It's hard to do that here, though, because nobody knows me yet. Everybody seems so serious. There's a girl named Blythe who never talks and likes to sit alone. Sometimes I think I see her crying. I want to go and help her, but I just don't have the courage, I guess. Then, there are twins, Neige and Sigismunda. Sigismunda is a serious martial artist, but she can be fun to hang out with. neige likes yoga, so we take classes together. Neige teases me for being so girly, but she's really just kidding. She says my songs are garbage and that I don't sing about anything important, but I told her that finding love is important. Neige says that I've got to be kidding and that Blythe tells her that all the time. I told her that she better listen to us, or she'll regret it. I Can also be a couch potato. I love old movies! My favorites are the comedies. I love Gentlemen prefer Blondes, Ninotchka, Bringing up Baby, and The Philadelphia Story. I love Marylin Monroe! she's so pretty and she's a great actress.

Well, that's all for now! Bye bye!
